Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hearts for Haiti

The Etsy shop, Hearts for Haiti is up and running! There is the shop address, http://www.etsy.com/shop/HeartsforHaiti. Please consider making a purchase to such a worthy cause that Doctors Without Borders provides. Thanks!

As of today, Hearts for Haiti has raise $4000. A big thanks to all the peeps who donated and to those who have purchased!


*jean* said...

this necklace is gorgeous! thank you for the link to the hearts for haiti etsy site! do you ever teach workshops? i'm in mpls and would be close enough to attend...just curious

LindaS said...

I, too, have posted their information on my blog (and Twitter) to pass the word. I think they are doing a great job behind the scenes - lots are being donated and sold. I'm glad I could contribute to this cause - I donated several items.

archaic design said...

Thank you, Jean! I mostly teach bead work but a metals workshop would be fun! It's a question of portable tools. Susan :)


archaic design said...

Doctors Without Borders! Keep tweeting and posting about donating! Thanks Linda!