i want to thank everyone for their insight, advice and suggestions, i am very grateful, thank you! one event that has rapidly snuck up on me is the bead and button show in milwaukee :0 i'll post more later regarding the show!
i'm in one, a big one. finding it hard to create anything that requires being organized enough to pull something out of my proverbial hat. if you care to ;) comment about what it is that allows you to move past it to be creative enough to be productive again.
This week's featured work from Etsymetal!
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Quercus Silver ...
2 days ago
I like to see a movie or go to the bookstore and look through magazines full of landscape pictures. Works for me.
thank you Carol! I will!
I agree with Carol, but sometimes it's not so easy, it just doesn't happen--maybe trying something totally new, a completely different medium, or doing a new sport, experiencing something new--travel, get out of the studio, helps. Think of what you are going through (the slump) as an essential and positive thing which will stress your imaginatination and bring you to new horizons.
I just let it happen without fighting it and ride it out. See it as a storm. It needs to run its course. In the meantime I do other things I enjoy and before I know it I'm back at it.
Do you really need to be productive right now? Is your shop full? Would you lose very much ground if you pretended for a week that you aren't a jewelry designer? Maybe you should just go with it...Maybe you're just a little burnt out. (Productivity is grossly overrated).
thank you Dawn! greatly appreciated.
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